yOur outer world is a reflection of your inner world. in order to shift your reality, you must start by shifting your internal beliefs, attitudes, and emotions.




What happens when a group of women come together under one roof to celebrate their divine femininity and unite their open hearts? Find out at Goddess Gathering Retreat.

HI, I’m KAciE.

I'm a mindset and empowerment coach helping women to; step more confidently & fully into their power, pursue their deepest desires, live in alignment with the present truth of their heart, and love themselves deeply, passionately, and completely.

I offer and teach women spiritual tools and practices. These can enhance their awareness and help them to become cognizant of limiting beliefs and patterns that are holding them back, keeping them small, or blocking them from living fully authentic and joyful lives.

“We are all just walking each other home.”

- Ram Dass


In pursuit of magic.

We get to create our realities. We are the magicians of our own lives. Let’s make It a magical one, together.